Chirurgie conservatrice : arthroscopie de hanche, ostéotomie péri-acétabulaire, ostéotomie, fémorale, chirurgie des tendons et muscles autour de la hanche.
Chirurgie prothétique : Prothèse de hanche par voie antérieure mini-invasive, reprise de prothèse.
Chirurgie du sport : arthroscopie, ligaments croisés, instabilité rotulienne, ostéotomies.
Chirurgie prothétique : prothèse partielle du genou, prothèse totale de genou, reprise de
Spécialiste Hanche / Genou
En savoir +
Découvrez le profil de votre chirurgien Pierre Laboudie spécialiste de la hanche et du genou à Bordeaux Mérignac
Ancien interne et Chef de Clinique des Hôpitaux de Paris (CHU Cochin)
Diplôme Inter Universitaire (DIU) d’arthroscopie
Diplôme Inter Universitaire (DIU) de chirurgie du genou
Diplôme Universitaire (DU) d’anatomie fonctionnelle et chirurgicale de l’appareil locomoteur.
Diplôme Universitaire (DU) de chirurgie de la hanche
Membre de la SOFCOT (Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique)
Membre de la SFA (Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie)
Membre de l’ISHA (International Society of Hip Arthroscopy)
Spécialisé en chirurgie conservatrice de la hanche
A rejoint l’équipe chirurgicale de la Clinique du Sport en janvier 2024
Ancien interne (2014/2019) et Chef de Clinique (2021/2023) des Hôpitaux de Paris (CHU Cochin)
Ancien fellow (hyperspécialisation) auprès des Pr Paul Beaulé et George Grammatopoulos, en chirurgie conservatrice de la hanche à Ottawa(Canada) en 2020/2021.
Ancien fellow (hyperspécialisation) en chirurgie du genou auprès du Dr Nicolas Graveleau à Mérignac en 2019/2020.
& Développement
The Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
EFORT open reviews
Orthopaedic and traumatology : surgery and research
Chapitres de livre
Laboudie P, Beaulé PE. Cam femoro-acetabular impigement. Orthopaedics and Trauma: Current Concepts and Best Practices, Mars 2024.
Laboudie P, Mascard E, Anract P. Infections de PTG massives à Charnière. Cahier d’enseignement de la SOFCOT , Novembre 2023.
Présentations orales et posters
Dossiers cliniques oncologie osseuse SOFCOT 2018.
Migration d’une pièce fémorale Charnley-Kerboull cimentée raccourcie versus longueur standard : étude à 2 ans minimum de recul selon la méthode EBRA-FCA. SOFCOT 2019.
Comparison of a hamstring ACL reconstruction with and without anterolateral ligament reconstruction in young athletes at a minimum follow-up of 2 years. SFA 2020, COA 2021, EFORT 2022, SOO 2023.
Acetabular exposure through the anterior approach. ICL AAOS 2021.
Activity tolerance and clinical outcomes with hip osteotomy surgery. ICL AAOS 2021.
Etiology and Mid to Long-Term Survivorship of Hip Arthroplasty in Patient 40 Years and Younger. BHS 2021, COA 2021, EFORT 2022.
Ten-year Outcome Following Surgical Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement – Does evolution of surgical techniques influence outcome ? AAHKS
2021, SFA 2021, ISHA 2021, EFORT 2022, SOFCOT 2022.
Total hip arthroplasty after failed peri-acetabular osteotomy – a multicenter study of the ANCHOR group. AAHKS 2021.
Hip arthroscopy after failed peri-acetabular osteotomy – incidence and outcomes.
SFA 2021, SOFCOT 2022.
Does labral treatment technique influence the outcome of FAI surgery ? A matched-pair study of labral reconstruction versus repair and debridement with a follow-up of 10 years. ISHA 2021, COA 2022, SOFCOT 2022.
The agreement in acetabular measurements produced by validated software tools commonly used in hip preservation surgery. EFORT 2022, SOFCOT 2022, SFA 2022.
Low Rate of Periprosthetic Femoral Fracture Following Hueter Anterior Approach Using Charnley-Kerboull Stems Cemented According to the “French Paradox”. EFORT 2023.
The agreement in acetabular measurements produced by validated software tools commonly used in hip preservation surgery. Table ronde de biomécanique. SOFCOT 2023.
Instabilité de hanche: mythe ou réalité ? Session mise au point. SFA 2023.
Pathologie croisée : dysplasie de hanche chez l’homme et le chien. SFA Vet 2023.
& Enseignement
Adamczyk A, Laboudie P, Nessek H, et al. Accuracy of digital templating in uncemented primary total hip arthroplasty: which factors are associated with accuracy of preoperative planning? Hip Int J Clin Exp Res Hip Pathol Ther. Published online April 19, 2022:11207000221082026.
Biset A, Douiri A, Robinson JR, et al. Tibial tunnel expansion does not correlate with
four-strand graft maturation after ACL reconstruction using adjustable cortical suspensory fixation. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Off J ESSKA. Published online July 25, 2022.
Bouguennec N, Orce A, Laboudie P, Pelletier S, Dexhelet J, Graveleau N.
Association of COVID-19 Lockdown With Increased Rate of Cyclops Syndrome in Patients With Unexpected Home-Based Self-Guided Rehabilitation After ACL Reconstruction. Orthop J Sports Med. 2023;11(2):23259671221147868.
Douiri A, Bouguennec N, Biset A, Colombet P, Laboudie P, Graveleau N. Functional
scores and prosthetic implant placement are different for navigated medial UKA left in varus alignment. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Off J ESSKA. Published online April 1,
Grammatopoulos G, Laboudie P, Fischman D, Ojaghi R, Finless A, Beaulé PE. Ten-
year outcome following surgical treatment of femoroacetabular impingement : does the evolution of surgical technique influence outcome? Bone Jt Open. 2022;3(10):804-814.
Hardy A, Sabatier V, Laboudie P, et al. Outcomes After Latarjet Procedure: Patients With First-Time Versus Recurrent Dislocations. Am J Sports Med. 2020;48(1):21-26.
Laboudie P, Bouguennec N, Graveleau N. Hemorrhagic Cyclops Syndrome after
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction – A Rare Cause of Recurrent Hemarthrosis: About Two Cases and Review of the Literature. J Orthop Case Rep. 2020;10(8):40-43.
Laboudie P, Douiri A, Bouguennec N, Biset A, Graveleau N. Combined ACL and ALL
reconstruction reduces the rate of reoperation for graft failure or secondary meniscal lesions in young athletes. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Off J ESSKA. Published online April
2, 2022.
Laboudie P, Dymond T, Kreviazuk C, Grammatopoulos G, Beaulé PE. Hip
arthroscopy after periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular dysplasia – incidence and clinical outcome. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022;23(1):659.
Laboudie P, Fischman D, Speirs AD, et al. Comparison of Acetabular Measurements
Between 2 Validated Software Programs Used in Hip Preservation Surgery. Am J Sports Med. 2022;50(10):2637-2646.
Laboudie P, Gauthier P, Kreviazuk C, Beaulé PE. Does labral treatment technique
influence the outcome of FAI surgery? A matched-pair study of labral reconstruction versus repair and debridement with a follow-up of 10 years. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2022;9(2):95-101.
Laboudie P, Masri FE, Kerboull L, Hamadouche M. Short versus Standard-Length Femoral Stems Cemented According to the ‘French Paradox’. A matched paired prospective study using EBRA-FCA at 2-year follow-up. J Arthroplasty. 2020;0(0).
Pedersen PH, Vergari C, Tran A, et al. A Nano-Dose Protocol For Cobb Angle
Assessment in Children With Scoliosis: Results of a Phantom-based and Clinically Validated Study. Clin Spine Surg. 2019;32(7):E340-E345.
Ricard MA, Ardell J, Laboudie P, Wei R, Beaulé PE. Outcome of hip resurfacing
revision through the Hueter-anterior approach. Hip Int J Clin Exp Res Hip Pathol Ther. Published online October 5, 2023:11207000231200416.